Catalina Rosales tests her skills. This group of dead lifts was
done during a session of “As Many Rounds as Possible.”
Kali Robinson
Staff Photographer
Students, armed with nothing but their bodies, tried a free cross fit work out at the grand opening of Southern Plains CrossFit gym from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 6. Athletes and non-athletes alike filled the gym, enjoying refreshments and checking out what the new establishment has to offer.
Owner and CU student Crystal Isoms elaborated on the significance of crossfit training to guests.
“If you go to another gym, you are going to get exactly what you pay for — no training, no programming and equipment,” she said. “The way that we work is that your body is the machine. We don’t use machines because we need to do motions that make our bodies stabilize in the process of using strength. Whenever you use a machine that holds you in place, you are taking away all of that ability to stabilize.”
Isoms said that there a multiple plans available for interested parties.
“We have different kinds of memberships. You can come twice a week for one price, 60 dollars, or twice a week for 80. Unlimited is available because we are open seven days a week, so I have people who come in five or six days a week — [that] is 90 with the discount for Cameron students. That is 100 for those who do not have a discount.”
Isoms explained that she creates different workouts each day by choosing movements such as running, jump roping and rowing for her gym members.
“You don’t have that at other gyms unless you buy a trainer,” Isoms said. “When you compare it to the price of a personal trainer, you get eight sessions for the price of three or if you come twice a week 20 sessions for the price of three. I always work one on one with everyone.”
Isoms welcomes people of all shapes, sizes and circumstance to her gym.
“People think they can’t come here because they are injured or out of shape. That is completely wrong. We take 300 pound people who cannot do a squat and get them there,” she said.
Isoms gestured to a woman dead lifting and sprinting. She explained that the woman was keeping count of how many reps she did by making tally marks with chalks on the floor. Eventually, Isoms said, there would be chalk all over the gym.
“That’s how we make sure to keep track of everything,” Isoms said. “We do A-M-R-A-S, which is As Many Rounds As Possible in a specific amount of time. We’ll set the clock on 15 minutes and say ‘Do this, this and this,’ and see how many rounds they can get.”
Four year member Rob Rogers adjusted his form and talked to Isoms about how he could improve his lifting. He expressed confidence in the direction that Isoms gave him.
“It’s a lot better now that I know where to push,” Rogers said.