Casey Brown A&E Editor @CaseyBrown_CU “Genie, you’re free,” tweeted The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Aug. 11,
Tag: Featured
Equality in student funds
Charlene Belew Managing Editor @CBelew15 This school year’s SAFAC allocation recommendations have started a controversy campus wide. Unfortunately, several discussion
VP Holland says goodbye to CU
Charlene Belew Managing Editor @CBelew15 A member of Cameron University for 18 years, former Vice President Jennifer Holland announced in
Understanding SAFAC
Charlene Belew Managing Editor @CBelew15 Organizations across campus have felt the effects of a campus-wide budget cut from the
Professors selected for lit publication
Jacob Jardel Assistant Managing Editor Two of Cameron’s own were selected for publication in the summer fiction edition of
Stress testing before finals
Krista Pylant News Writing Student “Don’t stress; it’s just a test” is the message that Study Strategies and College Success
Guitar ensemble’s evening of classics
Carson Stringham Staff Writer Four student guitarists recently came together to produce an enchanting evening of classical guitar music. The
Choir to wrap up concert season with new tunes
At 7:30 p.m. April 29 the Cameron University Concert Choir and Centennial Singers will present their final performance in conjunction