By Courtney McEunn
Student Life Editor
From Feb. 6-10, the Cameron University Kappa Sigma fraternity hosted their Spring 2023 rush week. During the week, the fraternity held many different events each night to invite potential new members to come hang out and meet the men in the fraternity.
On Monday, Kappa Sigma hosted craft night, where potentially new and current members got together and painted shirts, tote bags, hats and other items. Tuesday, they hosted game night in the housing office near the Village Apartments. Here, they brought both board games and video games to play and bond with anyone who wanted to show up. Wednesday the men went to the bowling alley and invited both potential new members and also other students around campus to come. On Thursday, the group attended the CU basketball game to cheer on the team and show some school spirit. Friday was aside for a private dinner with some of the students that the fraternity recruited over the course of their rush week.
Dylan Griggs, President of Kappa Sigma, not only enjoys the presence of his fraternity on campus and seeing all the new recruited members, but he also prides himself with being able to share what Kappa Sigma is truly about.
“Kappa Sigma—to me personally—has all of our men embodying our four pillars which are fellowship, leadership, scholarship and service,” Griggs said. “We do a lot of community service events around the community.”
For Griggs, it’s important not only to build their organization and their presence on campus, but also to grow as a brotherhood and as friends on a more personal level.
“I think it says something more whenever you have a common interest and goal,” Griggs said, “such as trying to do better in school, volunteering for the community or just a brotherhood hang out event. Just getting to get closer with all of these guys and watch them grow throughout their college experience.”
Another common goal that Kappa Sigma has is to be more involved at CU as a whole, rather than just within their organization or within Greek life on campus.
Joshua Brown, Rush Chair for the fraternity, has been working hard to ensure that Kappa Sigma is successful in their recruitment week by planning and organizing the events. Brown has also strived to make sure other students can get involved as well.
“I’m just excited to see the future of Greek life on campus,” Brown said. “Especially since campus is opening up more.”
Kappa Sigma’s bowling night was open to more than just potential new members. They also encouraged other students and friends to join them, free of charge. The fraternity also made one of their events at a CU basketball game so that they can socialize with other students all while supporting Cameron athletics.
While Kappa Sigma is one of the larger organizations at Cameron, the fraternity is still considered a colony, waiting for their chance to charter their fraternity which will allow them to be recognized as an official chapter of Kappa Sigma.
For more information about the Kappa Sigma colony at Cameron University, you can email Joshua Brown at