Jacob Jardel
Assistant Managing Editor
Students gathered for a chat with President John McArthur at Coffee with the President from 10-11:30 a.m. on Oct. 15 in the MCC.
McArthur, Cameron’s 17th president, held this informal event to listen to the students’ concerns and overall experiences at the university.
He said the event builds on what has been offered to freshman over the past few years.
“Every year, we’ve done a freshman ice cream social the second or third week of school, so we have an idea on the freshman experience,” McArthur said. “I wanted an opportunity to hear from students other than freshman.”
McArthur said the day before Fall Break was the ideal time to offer students this opportunity.
“We thought doing it during midterms was a good idea,” McArthur said. “It’s about halfway through; we’re ready for a break, but we also have half a semester remaining, so there’s time to make changes.”
Regardless of its timing, the event aimed to provide students the opportunity to ask the questions and speak the comments that could help shape their academic careers.
McArthur felt this informal event was a good place for that process to begin.
“I want the students to get the opportunity to take responsibility for their education – what’s coming next,” he said. “Maybe I can answer that and set a direction.”
However, McArthur did not want to approach this opportunity in a one-on-one setting with students. The President welcomed multiple students to sit with him so that they could interact with him, as well as one another.
“I think students can learn from each other,” he said. “As they ask questions, I’d like the other students to be able to hear those and hear the responses.”
This was the first time McArthur had sat down with students in a coffee shop setting, and hopes to continue these types of get-togethers.
“I think we’ll see what the student feedback is,” McArthur said. “I don’t want to intrude on the work days and study days of our students, but if this helps, this is great and I will do it some more.”