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Month: September 2014
Wang begins first season at CU
Krista Pylant Sports Editor @KristaPylant8 After zero conference wins last season, Cameron University’s volleyball team is looking for a fresh
Basketball adds two coaches to staff
Krista Pylant Sports Editor @KristaPylant8 Cameron University Athletics announced the hiring of two assistant basketball coaches for both the men’s and women’s
SGA weekly: September 8, 2014
Kaley Patterson Copy Editor @KaleyKayPatt Session began for the Cameron University Student Government Association at 5:15 p.m. on Aug.
BCM serves up food, fun, and fellowship
Kaley Patterson Copy Editor @KaleyKayPatt The Cameron Baptist Collegiate Ministries welcomed students back to Cameron with food, friendship and fellowship
Fabulous turnout for first French Film Festival
Casey Brown A&E Editor @CaseyBrown_CU The International Film Society, in cooperation with Magic Lantern Film Society, Sigma Tau Delta
Legalization: a controversy
Jacob Jardel Assistant Managing Editor @JJardel_Writing For one group of Communication students, the question of the summer was “To Be
Bubbles burst on foam dance
Jacob Jardel Assistant Managing Editor @JJardel_Writing The Foam Dance Party, a Cameron fixture for almost a decade, has been discontinued.