Dear Aggie,
I’m having a little trouble in my love life. There’s someone from work I really want to ask out on a date, but I’m afraid to ask for two reasons: I don’t know if she feels the same way, and I don’t know if it would be a good idea to ask out someone I work with. What do you think I should do?
Dear Frustrated,
Your concerns about asking out a coworker are probably right, especially in the workplace. In some cases, pursuing a coworker can be seen as inappropriate.
Check to see if your place of employment has a no-dating policy. If there isn’t one, trust your instincts, but keep in mind that if things go south, you’ll still be working with her. If your workplace has a no-dating policy, try to develop a friendship. If you ever leave your place of employment and still have feelings for her, you can take your chance to pursue a relationship.
Dear Aggie,
I would like to know why CUTV only airs the film show and the sports show on campus TVs but not the CU News show. I’m a freshman biology major living on campus and I have yet to see the CUTV News show. I think as a student I should be able to watch the news on campus like the other shows.
Sincerely, Membrane
Dear Membrane,
CUTV News airs on campus, along with Film Geek, Game Time and Let’s Talk. We’ve included a graphic below so you can see what time student shows air on campus TVs. You can also visit the website at aggiecentral.com. The website is updated weekly with new episodes. If you find shows are not airing at the times listed, contact Dr. Matt Jenkins (mattj@cameron.edu), who can help find a solution for the problem.
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