Aaron Gill Staff Writer The Cameron University baseball team has had a rough season with much less than a winning
Day: April 1, 2013
Senior recital’s Italian invitation
Sadie Jones Staff Writer Senior Vocal Performance major Melissa Delgado showcased her vocal ability at 7:30 p.m. on March 12
AGGIES GREET EASTER SEASON: Upward Bound and PAC collaborate for family gathering
Charlene Belew Staff Writer Cameron University’s Programming Activities Council (PAC) held its annual Easter Egg Hunt at 6 p.m. on
Cookout held at CETES Center
Alex Rosa-Figueroa Staff Writer The department of Criminal Justice and Sociology met for this semester’s Student and Faculty Luncheon. Starting
Sigma Tau Delta’s Penny Wars send students to battle
Story by Tyler Boydston Video by Carly Hart Cameron’s English honor society and chapter of Sigma Tau Delta recently held
The Cameron Collegian: April 1, 2013
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