FISTA: Cameron Graduates Launch Careers

FISTA: Cameron Graduates Launch Careers

By: Hannah Owens

Fires Innovation Science and Technology Accelerator (FISTA) Innovation Park is becoming a powerhouse for technological advancement and economic growth in Lawton.

FISTA is not just a hub for defense, technology and innovation industries; it’s also a promising employment avenue for local talent, particularly Cameron University graduates. 

Two recent CU alumni, Chris Argyros and Gabriel Ruiz, exemplify this success, having secured positions at FISTA immediately after graduation, establishing their careers.

FISTA, created in partnership with the City of Lawton, Fort Sill and several regional and national stakeholders, aims to foster innovation, research and development in key industries. 

This 60,000-square-foot facility serves as a collaborative space where defense contractors, tech firms and research institutions work together to develop next-generation solutions for military and civilian applications.

Located near U.S. Army installation Fort Sill, FISTA capitalizes on its proximity to armed forces expertise and infrastructure. It focuses primarily on advanced military technologies, such as precision fires, artificial intelligence and unmanned systems, offering a unique environment where innovation and application meet real-world needs.

For recent Cameron University computer science graduate, Argyros, the ability to work at FISTA is more than just a job, it’s an opportunity for a career.

“But what FISTA was able to do is like, especially in Lawton, I didn’t think I was gonna be able to get a software developer role,” Argyros said. “So, them being here really just helped start my career.”

Argyros is working as a software engineer with one of the defense contractors at FISTA and has quickly found gratification in his role.

“The most rewarding part is probably just the skills I developed during the job,” he said. “Growing up I’ve always wanted to be a software engineer, so actually being able to do it and being part of a professional environment, using what I learned in college in the real world is actually like a really rewarding thing.”

Another recent graduate from Cameron University, also with a degree in computer science, Gabriel Ruiz is excited about the opportunity to stay close to home.

“I don’t wanna say goodbye to all my friends that I’ve made here and just like disappear,” Ruiz said. “The most rewarding (part) is just staying in Lawton, you know, staying close to family.”

Cameron University is developing a close relationship with FISTA, which opens doors for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Through partnerships, internships and mentorship programs, the university ensures that its graduates are prepared for the demands of a rapidly evolving job market.

Associate Professor Feridoon Moinian taught Argyros and Ruiz and is proud of his former students.

“It is really fulfilling for me as a professor to see that these students who come to school with virtually no experience, no exposure, no idea about what computers are and what they do,” Moinian said. “Within a matter of three to four years, they grow to the point where they are valuable employees for the industry. And it’s a really fulfilling, gratifying experience for us.”

Both Argyros and Ruiz credit Cameron’s commitment to hands-on learning and the support of their professors as key to their success. 

“When you work in the capstone, you work with a team and that really helps translate into a real environment,” Argyros said.

Since its inception, FISTA Innovation Park has attracted major industry players and become a source of local employment. FISTA is projected to create hundreds of high-tech jobs over the next few years, with a focus on recruiting talent from regional institutions like Cameron University.

Moinian is looking forward to the impact FISTA will have on the Lawton and Cameron University communities.

“Obviously, any company that’s a local company contributes to the local economy,” Moinian said. “First of all, they give us the opportunity for our graduates to become employees and have a career or a stepping-stone for that matter. Also, when a local company grows, then they’re able to attract more of our graduates which makes Cameron stand out because now we can claim that our graduates basically are guaranteed to have a job as soon as they, or even before they step out of this university with their degree.”

The future looks bright for both FISTA and Cameron University graduates, as the Innovation Park continues to expand its footprint, more opportunities will emerge for local talent, particularly those with a background in STEM disciplines.

Argyros and Ruiz are just two examples of the incredible potential that exists within Cameron’s student body. Their success at FISTA represents the value of local partnerships in fostering both innovation and economic growth in the region. 

As FISTA continues to grow, it will play a large role in shaping the careers of future Cameron graduates and strengthening the innovation ecosystem in Lawton and beyond.

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