Follow Up: ‘Texoma’ Wins Award at Film Festival

Follow Up: ‘Texoma’ Wins Award at Film Festival

Sarae Ticeahkie
Student Life Editor

Last Summer, the western film “Texoma” entered and won first place at the Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards in England for Best Feature Film Made for less than $5,000.

The organization is dedicated to awarding films based on their originality and creativity, while considering their budget restrictions.

Festival director of Monkey Bread Tree Film Award Ben Rider said that the film’s greatest strength is its authenticity.

“The film is quite well shot,” he said, “and it’s consistent with its technical skill for its measly $3,000 budget. The cast, which gather a strong set of characters, provide a taste of this particular Texan way of life, enriched with the ideas of community, generational dynamics and the importance of locality to the film’s own ideals of land.”

Cameron professor and director of the film Dr. Matt Jenkins decided to enter the festival because it promotes the kind of films he writes, directs and produces.

Jenkins is encouraged to improve his movie making skills when his films get recognized or win at festivals where the judges are credible film critics.

The panel of judges for the Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards are critics, actors and filmmakers working within the industry.

Jenkins said that credibility is everything.

“When someone else that has credibility says, ‘This is good’ then that elevates the movies and makes them worthy,” he said. “It’s like winning an Oscar.”

Jenkins entered “Texoma” into 9 film festivals where they have been screened or recognized.

“Texoma” will screen at 4 p.m. on Nov. 10 at the Eyecatcher Film Festival in McAlester, OK. The film is in the category for Best Oklahoma Movie.

The festival is free and open to the public.

For more information about the “Texoma” film and what festivals it has entered, visit

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