SGA weekly: November 24, 2014

Kaley Paterson (SGA)
Kaley Patterson
A&E Editor

The Cameron University Student Government Association members read the last piece of legislation for the semester at their previous meeting on Nov. 17.

Resolution 3114005 calls for an increase in the monetary support of Greek societies upon request. Authored by SGA Parliamentarian Zakariya Rajpari, the bill highlights the success of the Cameron Greek organizations and suggests that with more funding, the societies could foster more benefits for members, students and the Cameron community.

The legislation resolves for the Greek societies to be allotted $500 per semester for ten semesters – equaling $20,000 over a five-year period. The funds would prosper recruitment and operating costs for all seven Greek fraternities: Alpha Phi, Sigma Tau Gamma, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha Omega and Omega Zeta Theta.

In the bill, Rajpari suggests the money come from the student activity funds, which are paid for by Cameron students. Greek organizations would be required to draft a detailed budget of what they plan to do with the funds and submit it to the SGA Treasurer before receiving the extra funding. The treasurer may approve, reject the budget or make suggestions.

At the discretion of the Greek Council Advisor, if there is any abuse of the funding, the Greek society responsible would face suspension from accessing the extra funding.

If this legislation passes, the bill requires the formation of the Social Greek Funding Committee to oversee all that encompasses the funding and its recipients. The committee will consist of a representative from each Greek organization and will be re-appointed each semester by the SGA Treasurer and approved by the SGA President.
Resolution 3114005 will go into second reading, questioning and voting at the next SGA meeting on Nov. 24.

Resolution 3114004 Update:

On Nov. 3, the governing body passed Resolution 3114004, which called for at least one repurchased textbook to be available in the library for every course taught at Cameron. SGA President Sidney McCormack vetoed the bill due to her discretion of lack of research. McCormack said she would accept another draft of the legislation after the author enhances the research.