Kaley Patterson
A&E Editor
The production volunteers buzzed around the sound booth in preparation for “Let’s Talk with Kim Garner.” The cameramen adjusted their frames and chattered on headsets that would make an outside listener think they were conversing with themselves.
Garner stood on her mark in front of the CUTV stage that was decorated with green foliage and haloed with purple tinted lights.
The director counted down, “Five, four, three, two, one.”
“Let’s talk,” Garner said into the camera.
A senior communication major, Garner is in her last season of hosting her show, “Let’s Talk.” Garner will graduate this December, and “Let’s Talk” will walk with her. She’s hosted her show for two and a half years.
Before “Let’s Talk,” Garner co-anchored the former special CUTV show “CU There!” during its fourth, and final, season. Garner then received the opportunity to host a show all on her own.
“It [happened] really, really fast,” Garner said. “I had to come up with a concept, an idea and everything and then present it, get it approved and start writing. It was so fast, but I was so excited. I just ran with it.”
There is not a specific concept behind “Let’s Talk.” Garner ideas skits, interviews and advice to give to students – all with a comedic twist.
“I think what it is, is an outlet,” Garner said. “It’s a way for people to watch and kind of just relax and kind of be like, ‘Oh my gosh, that’s so dumb,’ but when they say that, they can laugh about it – but also see that the person that’s doing it is loving it.”
Seriousness ceases to exist within the show, which opens the door for comedic creativity. Garner gains inspiration for her skits from anything and everything.
“I just think of crazy stuff,” Garner said. “I’ll even think about the things in my own life – finals, working, being up all night. I’ll take that and make it funny, or try to relate it to another student. I just come up with stuff, girl. It’s crazy. People ask me where I get my ideas all the time, and I’m like, ‘I don’t know? I just think of it.’”
Garner enjoys making her audience laugh, but after the cameras turn off, she hopes what she does isn’t in vain.
“Even though this is just here at the university,” Garner said,
“I feel like this is my family; this is my family. This is where it starts; that encourages me to keep going.”
This last season of “Let’s Talk” is quickly coming to an end; Garner said she has three shows left. With one semester remaining, she said the show keep her overloaded. Along with classes, multiple tests and a portfolio due, Garner still has a show to create.
“I try to think of the skits,” she said, “even if I have to stay up till two or three in the morning doing it. I’m like, ‘I’ve got to do it for the show. I’ve got to do it. I’m dedicated. I’ve got to do it. I can’t cancel the show.’
“Because I can’t let the students down; they’re inspired. They come and they want to be a part of production and do the stuff, so I have to be there. I can’t cancel.
“And if I can impact and inspire one student, then I know that I did what I’m supposed to do, and I know that I’m on the right path and going in the right direction.”
CUTV produces many shows, including “CU News,” “Film Geek” and “Game Time.” “Let’s Talk” is Garner’s show, and after she concludes her story at Cameron in December, “Let’s Talk” will read its final script.
“It will give another student the opportunity to have that platform,” Garner said, “and come up with their own idea and do something that they love and enjoy. I really hope that who it is and whatever it is, that they really enjoy it, and they put their heart into it. Because I think if you really love what you’re doing, it’s going to show.”
After she says her goodbyes, Garner hopes to pursue a career in broadcasting; whether it’s in Lawton, Oklahoma, or Houston, Texas, Garner wants to be in front of the camera.
Even though she’ll be leaving Cameron and putting her show to bed, Garner still hopes she impacted other students who love broadcast just as much as she does.
“I’m going to miss it,” she said. “I really am – but at the end of the day, I still want to talk.”