Workshop eases students’ test anxiety


Photo by Kaley Patterson
Photo by Kaley Patterson

Smith Steigleder
News Writing Student

At 9:30 a.m. Sep. 15 in the Buddy Green room, Cameron students learned many invaluable skills on how to help prevent and cope with test anxiety.

This workshop was part of the ongoing CU succeed workshop series. The speaker of the event was Maureen DuRant, an instructor from the Teaching and Learning Department.

“This workshop can be very beneficial for students,” DuRant said. “Especially coming up on midterms I believe that much of the test anxiety that students suffer from is due to the fact that they have not prepared correctly and if students can learn to strategize and know what to do besides stare at a book then they will do better. Many students do not know how to study, and in this workshop I address many of those types of concerns while giving them some relaxation tips and techniques.”

The room was packed with students and a large chunk of them were incoming freshman that are currently taking collegiate level classes for the first time. At the start of the workshop, some of them voiced concerns about their own study habits.

Zach Walker, a freshman majoring in Accounting, said he went to the workshop to sharpen his test taking skills.

“For some reason, I just can’t seem to recall the information when I sit down to take the test,” Walker said.

Another student, Melissa Druien, a freshman majoring in Sports and Fundamentals, said she also struggles with taking test and hoped that the workshop would help alleviate some anxiety.

This workshop intended to give students much advice that they could put into practice when their next test rolls around.

“Students need to first engage in pre-study,” DuRant said. “This is where students need to prepare materials and consolidate their notes. Much anxiety comes from being ill prepared and this will help to eliminate much of that.”

DuRant also stressed that students need to find what strategies work best for them.

“Remember what works for one student might not work for another,” DuRant said. “Some students study better at home, and some students don’t do as well when they attempt to study from home and they find that they do better when they prepare and study at the library.”

DuRant wants students to try and think like professors when they study. She said it is important to study things they feel the professor would put on the test.

“I want students to know that if they can’t get their anxiety under control then it might be good for them to schedule an appointment at the wellness center,” DuRant said. “They are on campus to help.”

At the conclusion of the workshop, Walker and Druien expressed positivity about future tests.

“I learned that not only do you have to study,” Walker said, “but you also have to make sure that you are prepared. This involves much of the things that you would not ordinarily think about like sleeping and eating. I feel more confident now.”

Druien also felt less anxious about future tests.

“Many times I psych myself out before I take a test,” Druien said. “I feel like I am going to fail even before I answer a question. I got this. I know I am going to pass my next test.”

More workshops will be held through out the semester. For a complete schedule of these workshops please visit