Trending: Acceptance of ink in the workplace


Kali Robinson

Assistant Managing Editor

Despite traditional notions that tattoos are not acceptable in a work environment, inked skin is becoming more commonplace.

Rachel Hennessey of Forbes magazine said tattoos are no longer a “kiss of death in the workplace.”

“… with many contemporary companies stressing commitments to diversity and inclusion, tattoos are becoming increasingly unproblematic across the board,” Hennessey said. “Lax tattoo policies for blue-collar and art-related jobs aren’t shocking, but the increasingly tolerant outlook of frontrunners in corporate, educational and medical industries are more surprising.“

According to an article CBS News, tattoos and piercings are not the career killers they once were.

“Employees of all walks of life are sporting body art nowadays from doctors’ office receptionists to TV news anchors. Even those who are prepping the workforce of the future: college educators.”

Dr. Christopher Keller, Chair of the Communication Department, said tattoos are more than just ink, and perceptions about tattoos vary from person to person.

“Once you are already established – once you are there, I think that people know you for the person that you are and not necessarily by your appearance,” Keller said.

Jennifer Castricone, Admissions Coordinator and Faculty Advisor of CU Pride, said physical appearance should have nothing to do with the ability to perform well in a job.

“I think that tattoos in particular have become so mainstream; it’s almost more unusual to not have any,” Castricone said.

“I also think there’s a way to have visible tattoos and still dress professionally and appropriately for a job.”

“I’m sure it will come full circle and my generation’s kids will probably be rebellious by not getting any tattoos!” Castricone said. “In all seriousness, tattooing as an art form has been around for centuries.”

Senior Art Major, Shae Dickinson said she uses body art to display her style of work.

“I was friends with [the artist] for a while … it was more of a collaboration.”

Dickinson explained that the center of her tattoo was the logo for Rebellious Ink, the first shop to display her work.

“We are all adults,” Dickinson said.

She explained that, although drunken nights with permanent reminders do happen, planning ahead and building a relationship with your artist makes all the difference.

Dickinson said because her tattoo was collaborative – artist to artist – it was a more comfortable, positive experience.


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