Keep Calm and Carry on

Mental Health

Jacob Jardel

Staff Writer

Cameron students learned how to recognize and handle mental health issues during the “Keep Calm and Carry On” CU Succeed Workshop at 2 p.m. on Nov. 5 in the Buddy Green Room.

The workshop addressed various aspects of mental health that could affect students during the grind of the semester.

Jill Melrose, Director of the Student Wellness Center, led the event. She noted that, though the title was vague, the purpose of the workshop was clear.

“We really just wanted to talk about the mental health issues that are most common for college students,” she said.

The modest crowd gathered at a table and listened as Melrose provided students with information about stress, depression, anxiety, PTSD and other related topics.

Attendees drove the conversation. While Melrose began her discussion by mentioning the signs and symptoms of different ailments, guests steered the dialogue to potential treatments and management strategies.

The director felt the setting and this type of interaction was a good fit for the topic.

“It was nice because we just kind of sat around and talked,” she said.  “It was relaxed.”

Melrose believes the smallest interaction can potentially help students learn to recognize signs and symptoms of mental illnesses.

“These illnesses are common and treatable,” Melrose said. “You can get help at the Student Wellness Center. I hope [the audience obtained] just a little more understanding into themselves and others around them.”

According to Melrose, talking about a subject such as mental health is a necessity because of how prevalent yet overlooked its conditions seem to be.

“I think it is important for people to understand that depression, anxiety and stress are real things and to understand what the symptoms are so that they can recognize when they are suffering from these,” Melrose said. “They are all totally treatable, so no one should have to suffer on without treatment.”

Melrose felt she got her point across well.

“From the feedback that I got from it, I once again learned that these [issues] really are so very common to students and that students appreciate a kind and compassionate look at issues that they have,” she said.

The concept of stress being common among college students came as no surprise to Melrose, who noticed the trend in her work at the Student Wellness Center.

“Most of what I see is stress,” she said. “They’re stressed out. They’ve got school and work and relationships.”

She said stress – if untreated – can lead to other potential road blocks in education, but there is help for those who need it.

“Sometimes, that stress will lead to other things like depression or anxiety disorders, and that’s what we’re there for at the Student Wellness Center,” she said.

Though, one other common occurrence Melrose noted involved the transition to university life. “We see a lot of adjustment to college life,” she said. “For a lot of young people, it’s the time when they’re becoming adults, and there are a lot of issues becoming an adult.”

Melrose said it is the Student Wellness Center’s mission to take care of the students. However, student input is important for the fulfillment of this mission.

“We want to hear from students,” Melrose said. “We want to know how we can help you.  If you have a topic that you want to know more about that has to do with mental or physical health, then let us know. We work for you.”


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