Charlene Belew
Student Life Editor
Sigma Tau Gamma, a social fraternity at Cameron University, held its annual rush week from Sept. 2 to Sept 6. All male students were encouraged to participate in the weeklong rush event.
Events during the week included Monday’s Kickoff cookout, Tuesday’s poker run, Wednesday’s arm wrestling, Thursday’s Manlympics and Friday’s informational meeting. These events were held publically throughout the campus. Any person interested could attend the events, though they were targeted toward the male audience.
Zak Rajpari, a Communication junior and current Vice President of Membership for Sig Tau said that joining the fraternity introduced him to other activities on campus that he might not have considered doing before. He has been a part of the fraternity since spring 2012.
“It opens so many doors for you,” Rajpari said. “I don’t know how many hook ups I have gotten in terms of getting somewhere in student organizations. I am an Aggie Ambassador, part of the debate team and part of the Student Government Association. If I didn’t do Sig Tau, I would just have done debate. It opens the window for you to have a real college experience.”
Some of the events, including the poker run, the arm wrestling competition and Manlympics, had prize money available for winners. Winners of these events included Damian Porter, Ethan Hitchcock and Trent Files. Files said that participating in the rush activities was best decision he has ever made.
The informational meeting was held at 12 p.m. on Sept. 6 in the Wichita Room. Those interested in joining filled out an application that made them eligible for a bid into the fraternity.
Once a bid is accepted, new pledge members go through a 10 week process to ensure that they are compatible not only with the fraternity but also with new pledge members as well. During this time, the fraternity engages in rituals, both secret and public, to educate pledge members while making them better men. Pledges are also taught six enlightening principles including benefit, excellence, leadership, learning, integrity and value.
Rajpari said that Sig Tau is more than the surface appearance of good connections and a highly social organization. Not only are the members united with a long-term sense of brotherhood and morality, but Sig Tau members are active in other organizations including SGA. Brothers of the fraternity also strive to make their name known in the community.
“We do as much community service as we can,” Rajpari said. “One of the things we like to do is raise money for causes. Our national cause is the Special Olympics and our local chapter does Books for Kids. We try to raise money for those two organizations as much as possible.”
With 18 active Sig Tau members on campus, Rajpari said that they are expecting to add an additional 10 members through the initiation process.
Rajpari said he sees a bright and promising future for the fraternity.
“Looking forward, I see great things,” Rajpari said. “I see us reclaiming our five-star organization. I see us winning the Greek Olympics again. I see us winning the Sig Cup. I see us just dominating this campus. Hopefully, I come back in ten years from now and the Greek system is thriving here.”
Rajpari said that students who have missed rush week and informational have three weeks to contact the fraternity for information on initiation.