CU promotes student health insurance plan

by Elijah Morlett

Cameron University, through a partnership with Academic Health Plans, has made it possible for attending students to sign up for a student health insurance plan at an affordable rate.

The insurance plan is available to any domestic student taking six credit hours or more. Jennifer Holland, CU’s Vice President of Student Services, said that enrolled students have received care as a result of the program and that the university has seen it work for students several times.

“Several years ago, we put out several proposals for health insurance coverage,” Holland said. “AHP had the best package for Cameron and our students. They are constantly trying to help us with keeping medical costs down.”

Because this is a student-based program, Cameron and AHP work to keep costs relatively low.

“The coverage is affordable because of the amount of students enrolled,” Holland said. “It is strictly an accident-illness policy.”

According to the Commonwealth Fund 2010 Biennial Health Insurance Survey, 53 million people in the United States reported issues over not being able to pay medical bills. These are the types of scenarios that the program aims to aid with students.

“The costs of the medical bills can become very expensive,” Holland said. “Many students may not finish their education because of the medical expenses that occur if something bad were to happen.”

AHP will not deny coverage to any student that meets the six credit hour minimum enrollment, however the insurance will not cover preexisting conditions for a specific period of time.

All international students attending Cameron University are required to enroll in the health insurance program.

“The reason for having our international students required to purchase this plan is because we assume responsibility of international students while they are in country,” Holland said.

Holland also said that the plan will cover domestic students that are studying abroad through Cameron University.

For urgent situations, AHP will pay for a severely injured or ill student to travel home to be cared for by their family, or pay to have the family come to be with their dependent.

For the current academic year, the annual cost for enrollment is $780. Students can also enroll their spouse and child during the time the student is in school.

The plan also covers access to a 24-hour nurse line. The line allows students to identify illnesses over the phone and plan out the next steps for treatment.

Cameron University has also partnered with the Southwest Oklahoma Family Medicine Clinic to help students in need of care. If students bring a valid CU ID Card, the clinic will offer a discount on medical services.

If students have the AHP student insurance plan, the clinic will waive the deductible that would normally be charged by other locations.

For students that do not have healthcare, medical care for acute conditions are available at the Student Wellness Center located in North Shepler. All students that are enrolled on the main campus are eligible for medical services.

All students enrolled have paid for a student wellness fee, allowing them free access to the services. Generic medicine can be prescribed and picked up for a low cost in town.

In addition, students can receive free massage therapy, mental health counseling and hypnosis services at the wellness center.

Students wanting more information regarding the student health insurance office can request a mailed packet from the university by emailing or call  580. 581.2244. The Student Wellness Center can also help students gain more information on the program.

More information on the healthcare plan can also be obtained by visiting Cameron’s AHP website,, or by calling AHP directly at 888 .308.7320.


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